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OS.ECO at the Gaming Industry Expo: Sharing the best of it

The conference “GAMING INDUSTRY” was held June 9 -11, 2021 in Kyiv, aimed to accelerate the development of gaming and entertainment business in Ukraine.

Among the speakers were Oleksii Yevchenko, Vitalii Artiukh, Tamara Holubchyk. Our CCO Oleksii Prohorenko also presented his talk at the event. Oleksii has more than 10 years experience in IT and 5 of them is engaged in the organisation of uninterrupted work, automation of processes and comprehensive IT security strategy. We’d like to share with you the key points of his presentation. Especially since the topic of his talk, “Types of Security for a Company,” is more relevant today than ever before, because every 39 seconds there is one hacker attack in the world. That means that during Oleksii’s presentation, more than 30 attacks took place.

In Ukraine, however, data security is given residual attention in 90% of cases. This is not because IT specialists are incompetent or fail to do their job. But often they are too focused on other tasks. Somewhere ports are left open, somewhere weak passwords are set, and all due to haste. And these are the best entry points for attackers.

Oleksii, for his part, advised a comprehensive approach to security, dividing it into three categories:


Physical security

Everything to do with access to the office and physical data storage.

Information security

Protection of data and communication channels from attack.

Inner security

In this case, we are talking about your staff who work with important data.

The good news is that we provide security for all categories. And our cases prove it:

Case # 1

One of our clients, who works in the online entertainment industry, for example, was hit by a massive DDoS attack. This attack knocked out not only the company’s facilities, but also several data centres that hosted servers.

Our task was to filter the attack and restore the infrastructure to working order. In 2 days we managed to analyse the offers on the market, to choose the contractor who could filter the traffic, to develop the scheme of interaction between the contractor, us and the client, and get the services up and running again.

The solution we applied saves the customer from $144,000 a year right now, just from the difference in cost between similar solutions from Cloudflare and Amazon.

Case # 2

Everyone remembers the hacker attack that blocked many commercial and government enterprises. We are talking about the Petya virus. It infected around 13 thousand Windows-based computers only in Ukraine. Computers were rebooted and all the information on them was encrypted. Many countries were affected by the virus, but three-quarters of all infections occurred in Ukraine.

There was some debate whether its true purpose was ransomware or simply damage, but our clients were able to avoid the consequences. Encryption of server and user disks, antivirus and IT management software, and regular backups of crucial services have all prevented business downtime and associated losses.

Case # 3 – data security on work equipment

The main business of our clients is online entertainment, whose activities until 2020 resembled a challenge that not everyone could cope with. Therefore, our clients were repeatedly visited by foes and the work of the team was paralysed  for several days. For example, a few years ago, more than 50 units of equipment were seized from our client’s office, including both personal computers and servers for office maintenance. But the company made the right strategic choice long before the attack: they entrusted us with their information security. No data could be extracted from the equipment, because everything was securely encrypted.

In conclusion, it should be said, that it’s not so easy to get the hacker’s attention, because it’s difficult, highly skilled and quite dangerous work. But you need not be a crypto exchange to become a victim of fraud. You can be hit by a massive cyber-attack that aims to infect as many vulnerable computers  as possible or become the victim of a targeted attack, where a hacker selects cracking tools specifically for the weaknesses of your infrastructure. Moreover, there are always internal threats by your own employees. Certainly it’s possible to protect yourself against almost all attacks, threats and risks.

And your own staff doesn’t have to organise IT security, you can always outsource these tasks to os.eco.

But there are a few key rules that will help you build the right set of protection:

You should audit all systems and software.

You need to securely build endpoint, network, and cloud protection.

Your employees need to know all about phishing, viruses and non-disclosure policy to avoid making simple mistakes.

After his presentation, Oleksii offered all conference participants to take a free DDoS attack resistance test. It could be ordered just by filling in an application form at our stand. To our please, there were a lot of applicants, which means that Ukrainian companies have already made the first step towards their security.

If you also want to protect yourself, just contact us, and we’ll find the perfect solution for you.

Looking forward to more meetings and conferences!

Our Portfolio

Setting up a security and video surveillance systems

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Opening a 200-employee office in two months instead of three

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Recovering from a large-scale DDoS attack

Service: Cyber security and IT support

We are here to assist you

Kyiv, Sports Square 1, BC Gulliver