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IT outsourcing

Maintenance of office equipment and computers, monitoring and administration of network appliances, troubleshooting.

IT-outsourcing: pass the solution of IT-tasks to the experienced team

It can take years to staff up with professionals. And not all departments are financially justified in the same way. If a company is small, hiring even a few employees to maintain the IT infrastructure (from setting up workstations to maintaining communication channels) may be an unaffordable expense. In such cases, comprehensive outsourcing comes to the rescue. And that’s precisely what OS.ECO does.

Услуги IT-аутсорсинга в Киеве и по всей Украине, а также в Грузии, Латвии, Англии, на Кипре и Мальте

IT outsourcing services include

Setting up and maintaining workstations and laptops

We’ll upgrade, install and configure the OS and other software required for your work.

Replacement of hardware components and configuration upgrades

We provide replacement of laptop and workstation components, upgrade software regularly.

Inventory and keeping an equipment maintenance log

We record an equipment maintenance log to optimise the cost of purchasing, repairing or replacing items. In addition, keeping track of equipment helps to buy it in time for the reserve.

Selecting and installing the optimal set of network equipment

We advise on network infrastructure and help you choose and purchase all the necessary equipment.

Maintenance, update, and upgrade of network equipment

We set up, upgrade and maintain your network infrastructure. Also, we give recommendations for its optimisation.

Analysis, selection, and commissioning of communication channels

We select the best communication channels for you (Slack, Gmail, etc.) and set them up for convenient work and communication with colleagues.

Getting an ISP connection

We choose a provider according to your address, then call and clarify all the details and conditions of the connection on-site. We connect, configure, and commission the server rooms and relevant equipment.

Encrypting workstations and laptops

We set up information security services and encrypt workstations.

Purchasing and installing licences

We purchase and install licences for standard software.

Monitoring of all systems 24/7

We install a monitoring and notification system for all your systems and respond to alerts within 15 minutes at any time of day or night.

Calculate the estimated cost of outsourcing in Kyiv

What are the benefits of outsourcing with OS.ECO?

Your equipment is under the control of a skilled team that you could not afford to keep on staff.

Stable operation without interruption is guaranteed not only by the contract but also by the reputation of the outsourcer.

Continuous and comprehensive monitoring helps prevent many problems and respond immediately to those that have already occurred.

There is another important advantage – speed of implementation. It’s enough to agree on a list of services, conclude an agreement, and we’ll get to work immediately.

Make the right choice by trusting a reliable company to build and maintain your IT infrastructure – and you’ll be able to focus on your priorities.

We provide services in the following countries

Forms of cooperation with us

With an on-site visit

Experts come in and carry out everything that is stipulated in the IT outsourcing contract. The advantages of this approach are obvious. Its main disadvantage, however, is the difficulty in selecting an outsourcing company in the regions. It’s not so complicated to find a high-quality IT outsourcing company in Kyiv. But everything could be much more challenging if your company is located far from the capital.

Remote service

Such outsourcing of IT staff is limited to remote administration, but it costs less.  After the initial installation and configuration of workstations and network equipment, which require the physical presence of a specialist, remote monitoring can be a reasonable compromise for smaller companies.

Comprehensive service

It includes IT subscription services for office computers, as well as configuration, upgrading and optimisation of server and network equipment. It also involves remote administration, advice on every relevant issue, stability and security monitoring, and troubleshooting on short notice. Such IT outsourcing can easily replace an entire in-house department.

Why should you order IT outsourcing in Ukraine from OS.ECO?

It’s simple: to become better, you have to cooperate with the best. We’re a proven leader in outsourcing, and that’s not just an advertising cliché. Our services are already used by more than a hundred small, medium and large businesses. Not only in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Dnipro, Kharkiv and other cities of Ukraine but also in Georgia, Latvia, England, Cyprus, and Malta.

Our experience enables us to achieve goals quickly and with minimal investment. And our range of services (up to IT infrastructure audits) allows us to meet any challenge. Moreover, we’re always guided by the needs and peculiarities of your company, we don’t work according to a template. And we offer a flexible system of tariffs (the cost of services is affordable to all categories of customers).

Our company has an impeccable reputation, which hasn’t been questioned since 2012.

Our Portfolio

Setting up a security and video surveillance systems

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Opening a 200-employee office in two months instead of three

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Recovering from a large-scale DDoS attack

Service: Cyber security and IT support


An IT audit includes:

  1. Inventory of all client equipment, including virtual and dedicated servers.
  2. Gathering and analysing data on the tasks faced by the client.
  3. Optimisation of the client’s IT infrastructure based on the data obtained.


With this service, our clients significantly reduce the cost of equipment and hardware components, resulting in a restructured infrastructure that meets all cybersecurity requirements and keeps the company running smoothly.

Beforehand, we gather all the necessary information about the company (number of employees, amount, and type of equipment, seating plan for employees,  moving pick-up and drop-off addresses). Once everything is agreed upon, we organise the move with all the equipment and furniture. In a new office, we arrange desks and equipment according to the staff seating plan, prepare equipment for work and set up internet. All you and your colleagues have to do is walk into the office and start your first working day at your new workplace.

The cost of service will rise or fall depending on the increase or decrease in equipment on service. More detailed logic for the cost calculation can be seen in the Pricing.

Yes. Our clients tell us that the savings on IT infrastructure support (once it has been optimised) are between 15% and 25%.

Following our work regulations, we respond to your requests within 5 minutes. If there is an unpredictable critical breakdown, we respond immediately.

Yes, we work 24/7 to solve your problems.

Yes, we have. For more information, please contact us in the chat.

We are here to assist you

Kyiv, Sports Square 1, BC Gulliver