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Recovering from a large-scale DDoS attack

Client: Online entertainment industry


Cybersecurity and IT support


Filter out the attack and get the whole infrastructure back up and running

On Friday night, the company was hit by a massive DDoS attack that took out more than 50 different destinations, companies, and several data centres.

On Friday night, the company was hit by a massive DDoS attack that took out more than 50 different destinations, companies, and several data centres.


After careful analysis of all the data, we understand we couldn’t help only by an ordinary firewall or replacing the IP. It was urgent to find a new solution and a contractor who could handle network security and protection against DDoS attacks 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once we selected a contractor, our team quickly established a communication channel between him, the implementer and all stakeholders to begin the new scheme development.

So it was decided that all traffic would go through a contractor, who would analyse it using algorithms and clean up any parasitic requests before passing it on to the client’s server. In just two days, we not only helped all employees get back to work but also found a solution that now saves our client over $144,000 a year.

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The alternative option costs our client much less than similar solutions from CloudFlare and Amazon. Our client had to pay $8,000 per month instead of $20,000 and had a service without compromising on quality – a solution that is worth all the effort.

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