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System administrator services: pay less and get more!

The field of computer administration is going through better times. Today, every office needs a sysadmin, but members of this second oldest (after programmers) IT profession complain about low salaries and lack of career prospects. And sometimes other employees see them not only as a “computer guy”, but also as a loader or even an errand boy.

Due to it, specialists in computer systems administration are shifting to DevOps, and there are more and more inexperienced help desk technicians / junior admin and tricksters looking for a warm place to moonlight at your expense. There is a reliable and inexpensive solution to this problem – outsourced system administrator services.

What does an on-site system administrator do?

An outsourced sysadmin with on-site visits does the same tasks as a full-time one. But by working with an outsourcing company and contracting for a system administrating, you no longer have to hear excuses about sudden illness or family emergencies. If one incoming system administrator fails to arrive at short notice, somebody else will replace them.

Many problems can quickly be solved remotely. But it is better to call a system administrator into the office when you need to:

Troubleshooting of desktop computers, laptops and other office equipment.

Connecting, setting up and maintaining computer peripherals (e.g. replacing cartridges in a printer).

Setting up a new workplace.

Transporting faulty equipment to the service centre and dealing with the specialists there.

Comprehensive computer maintenance, including dusting and cooler lubrication).

Connecting, configuring network equipment and system administration of the network itself.

Troubleshooting of desktop computers, laptops and other office equipment.

Transporting faulty equipment to the service centre and dealing with the specialists there.

Connecting, setting up and maintaining computer peripherals (e.g. replacing cartridges in a printer).

Comprehensive computer maintenance, including dusting and cooler lubrication).

Setting up a new workplace.

Connecting, configuring network equipment and system administration of the network itself.

Can the work be done remotely?

The services of an on-site system administrator are not necessary if the problem is purely software-related. There is no need to wait for a specialist to get to your office – all you need is remote access software (such as TeamViewer) and a stable Internet connection. The remote system administrator will connect to your computer and solve the problem without leaving the office of the outsourcing company.

It is even quicker than seeking a full-time employee and waiting for one to come to the office needed.

How much do system administration services cost?

The price of such a specialist will depend on the tasks required and the size of the IT infrastructure. It’ll also depend on the tariff plan you choose. But one thing is for sure: a subscription fee for a system administrator is usually lower than the cost of employing one.

Remote sysadmin

  • Organising the interaction of corporate groups;
  • Setting up work email;
  • Data backup;
  • Software selection and installation;
  • Workplace organisation (remote computer connection and settings);
  • Data set-up and transfer;
  • Antivirus protection;
  • Response to requests within 5 minutes;
  • 24/7 server monitoring and maintenance.

Sysadmin on-site

  • Workplace organisation (equipment purchase, delivery to the client's office, configuration and connection);
  • Creation of a local network and setting up of Wi-Fi modules;
  • Equipment inventory and accounting;
  • Organising the purchase and installation of equipment;
  • Administration PBX and telephony;
  • Installation of access control systems;
  • Response to requests within 5 minutes;
  • 24/7 server monitoring and maintenance.

Computer maintenance

  • Installation of various software;
  • Software updating;
  • Troubleshooting software errors;
  • Data set-up and transfer;
  • Setting up work email;
  • Troubleshoot mail problems;
  • Antivirus protection;
  • Organising the interaction of corporate groups;
  • Response to requests within 5 minutes;
  • 24/7 server monitoring and maintenance;

The advantages of outsourcing systems administration

There are dozens of them, but OS.ECO customers are sure that the main are:

Cost reduction

You drastically reduce costs for salaries, taxes, social security, and staffing, as well as for setting up a workplace and renting the additional space for staff.

Time savings

You'll have to conduct dozens of interviews to find a high-skilled systems administrator. Then you might have to deal with the fact that he takes too many breaks and doesn't rush to solve urgent tasks.


By choosing to outsource, you get the knowledge and skills of not just one specialist, who was hired just because there were no better ones, but an entire team of experts in their field.

How to start working with us?


Make a request on the website.


We’ll contact you within 5 minutes to clarify the task and discuss the details.


We’ll offer you the best solution.

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Why choose us?

The days when only small companies used outsourcing are over. We are trusted by IT start-ups, business centres, construction companies and even large industrial enterprises. Not only in Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Odesa and other Ukrainian cities but also in the UK, Georgia, Latvia, Cyprus and Malta.

Our clients don’t doubt  that with OS.ECO they can do without an in-house system administrator. There are many reasons for this:

We are a leader in the IT outsourcing industry

The most valuable resource in business is reputation. Our reputation is impeccable. OS.ECO has been known and respected in many countries for many years.

Personalised service

If you don't find the best plan even in our flexible grid, we will develop your own, guaranteeing maximum efficiency at minimum cost.

Only trusted specialists

To stay the best, you have to work with the best. That's what we do. That's why our team includes only professionals with up to 10 years of experience.

24/7 support

We provide support without lunch breaks, weekends, holidays or force majeure. We solve customer problems at any time of the day or night. And as soon as possible.

Ordering IT outsourcing services from us is another step towards making your business thrive. So take it!

Our Portfolio

Setting up a security and video surveillance systems

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Opening a 200-employee office in two months instead of three

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Recovering from a large-scale DDoS attack

Service: Cyber security and IT support


We are always glad to help in any way we can – with advice or work. It is all individual and depends on the situation and the scope of the task.

Above all, it is an economic benefit. You only pay the IT outsourcer for the tasks performed, not for the time the employee spends in the office.

All conditions of service are outlined in the contract. It provides for the time the technician spends on the road.

Often, computer maintenance is required on a weekly rather than monthly basis. Mailbox stops running, and the software stops working more often than once a month.

Comprehensive maintenance includes maintenance of computers, servers and network equipment. The benefit is that we manage your entire IT infrastructure, disruptions are kept to a minimum, and software or hardware problems are resolved quickly.

We are here to assist you

Kyiv, Sports Square 1, BC Gulliver

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