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What is the tech support subscription

We always want to find the best and most efficient solution for our business. And that makes sense. Especially when it comes to the maintenance of IT infrastructure, problems with which can lead to significant losses for the company. The good news is that today it’s not necessary, nor practical, to keep all the technicians in your office. It’s enough to choose a reliable company and outsource these tasks. This is where the OS.ECO team comes in.

The tech support subscription is the outsourcing of all tasks that involve the operation of office equipment and networks. Office equipment includes not only computers but also scanners, printers, video projectors and access points that require constant maintenance, check-ups, and upgrades. At the same time, the company also needs to think about the network infrastructure. It’s important to keep an eye on new technologies that will enable you to organise work more efficiently and meet all information security requirements.

It’s good if a company has its own IT department, which is able to promptly resolve all technical problems, carry out timely preventive maintenance and respond to all force majeure situations. But such a solution is quite costly and not always justified. For this reason, many businesses are increasingly moving towards subscription services, which not only avoid such costs, but also significantly improve the quality of services.

Benefits of tech support subscription

To make the final choice for subscription, it is worth taking a closer look at the benefits.

Saving time and other sources

For example, as soon as you start working with OS.ECO, you get specialists who can solve your technical problems quickly and efficiently. You don't need to organise separate workplaces for them, you don't need to train them, and you don't need to pay their salaries.

Professionals are always at hand

OS.ECO employs only the best specialists. Each of them is well versed in their field, so we always know who to send to you.

Speed matters

We respond quickly to your requests because we understand that there are situations where every minute counts. We can solve the problem either remotely or on your site, if needed.

Quality guarantee

We care about our reputation, so we provide you with only the best and most effective solutions.

Fixed subscription fee

The subscription contract with a particular company will allow you to avoid unexpected expenses, all costs for maintenance of your IT infrastructure will be fixed in advance.

The ability to take care of your business

And only of it. Because we are glad to solve all your technical problems.

What is the OS.ECO team power?

OS.ECO is a team of IT professionals who have specialised in providing technical support to businesses of all levels for more than ten years. From DevOps, Service Desk and NOC to office IT support, Web hosting, server maintenance, domain services and SIP.

Андрей - системный администратор

When it comes to tech support subscription, we provide the following services:

Setting up and maintaining workstations and laptops

We will upgrade, install and configure the OS and other software required for your work.

Replacement of hardware components and configuration upgrades

We provide replacement of laptop and workstation components, upgrade software regularly.

Inventory and keeping an equipment maintenance log

We record an equipment maintenance log to optimise the cost of purchasing, repairing or replacing items. In addition, keeping track of equipment helps to buy it in time for the reserve.

Selecting and installing the optimal set of network equipment

We advise on network infrastructure and help you select and purchase all the necessary equipment.

Maintenance, update, and upgrade of network equipment

We set up, upgrade and maintain your network infrastructure. Also, we give recommendations for its optimization.

Analysis, selection, and commissioning of communication channels

We select the best communication channels for you (Slack, Gmail, etc.) and set them up for convenient work and communication with colleagues.

Getting an ISP Connection

We choose a provider according to your address, then call and clarify all the details and conditions of connection on-site. We connect and configure, commission the server rooms and relevant equipment.

Encrypting workstations and laptops

We set up information security services and encrypt workstations.

Purchasing and installing licences

We purchase and install licences for standard software.

Monitoring of all systems 24/7

We install a monitoring and notification system for all your systems and respond to alerts within 15 minutes at any time of day or night.

Our Portfolio

Setting up a security and video surveillance systems

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Opening a 200-employee office in two months instead of three

Service: Support for offices and any other locations

Recovering from a large-scale DDoS attack

Service: Cyber security and IT support

We are here to assist you

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